December 09, 2006


sensation OR mirage | Matters to think about

Matters come and go like seasons…. Oops...!! Seasons take a long way to come and when they come they don’t stay for a while and they never say good bye but they stay and stay only! They never GO……!! Whatever and anyhow some changes happen to transpire each & every moment….So, this is what we call LIFE. Anyway let’s think of something special. What make persons to think of something which is special but not a regular part of life. Is there something that a person comes across every moment and falls in distress??? Anyway this game never ends and we people have got excellence and essence to live with every moment whatever be the parameter. We never make a genuine way but always try to conciliate with. So where this segmented compromises will take us when we sum up? Do we drop our grounds and morale? What all circumstances are there and why we are suppressed of taking such actions or living with such measures? I never tried to differentiate the things and the ways they are coming to me and faced all of them like freely falling droplets of rain which strikes with a leaf of banana tree and splashes throughout the space. Does it sound like a FUN or is it amusing!! At least at this stage I’m not getting any feedback from the life consequents even. So that is what which is making me to feel preoccupied of myself. I had to think of something and to decide something and to act something. But as soon as examinations got over, I didn’t find any control over myself and started packing up for a home trip. I know I will lose some thoughtful moments which were going to be a deciding factor for my life ahead. Nowhere I stand… just nowhere…!! And no one can find a place for me even, I know that too. So finally I have reached three sounded letters which came across while I was coding this blog . The letters are T D A . Now I Don’t know where I am moving for and where I will get, but TDA will remain always with me. Let it be..!!

there is a song by bryan adams which says "the whole sleeps, dreaming of promises they can't keep"...just make sure you dont end up that way ....

rain drops getting splashed by a banana tree.... if banana tree is what you are referring to as ur life, dont u feel saddened by the fact that u can only send the drops flying in random directions instead of controling them?....
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