August 17, 2007
Rivalry with pursuits ...
Estella.... the character i was introduced with this early morning, when a message entered my inbox around 4:50 a.m. Am i standing at Pip's position who tells his story autobiographically in “Great Expectations” by Charles Dickens ? And is she's been trained to live Estella's way?
.........As a vaquisher, so i am, do i think Pip's way? ...... Or as a loser, am i the kind of man who's being pursued?... Tell me, what are my great expectations?....
.........As a vaquisher, so i am, do i think Pip's way? ...... Or as a loser, am i the kind of man who's being pursued?... Tell me, what are my great expectations?....
Freaky, the mediocre, beloved!
I want to yell... can you hear me... can you?? It wasn't so far.... that a guy who was beloved and cared... wept to store cupfuls of tears. My last post indicated my vis-à-vis with love and affection…call me painstaking, my obstinacies or discouraging or whatever be…. but defining this life of keeping trusts and faiths is not that easy task. Well the going has to go on … but being perpetual is my motto of life… I’d never stop… I never have learnt to stop!

Currently the economics theory as taught in “FREAKONOMICS”, by Levitt and Dubner, has caught my attention. I never have been a student of eco, but while growing up, i saw my bhaiya, reading the economics books based on several theories like Macro-economy, Micro-economy, Econo-matrix… etc… As brother told me that time, don’t ever treat economics as an art paper… its completely scientific and has close relations with public behavior and interrelationship… a whole psychological status phenomena and relativistic concepts. Marginal cost, marginal revenue…blah blah blah… Index variations in NSE, SENSEX, Rupee vs US $..….I always wondered that what do these things mean and how it affects the economy of a nation. Now, I have a gist on these things…. So, I am finding it wonderful to study the different case studies and practicalities as presented in the book. Though, I didn’t grasp the Cheating Algorithm implemented by Chicago schoolteachers completely... will take a recap soon… needs lot of attention… though! I anticipated, Paul Feldman would not have started off that straight way ... to sell off his bagels. Executive level was found more corruptible than salesman level…. how to reel it off, i wonder! Two more cases are left ... hope I finish it by tonight.. ! Enough time is spent on blogger now… time to go back to freak out with economics (not an engineering paper :D ) ...!
Labels: Book Review, Freakonomics
August 05, 2007
I would better survive!
All this time I can't believe I couldn't see
kept in the dark but you were there in front of me
I’ve been sleeping a thousand years it seems
got to open my eyes to everything
without a thought without a voice without a soul
don't let me die here
there must be something more
bring me to life!
kept in the dark but you were there in front of me
I’ve been sleeping a thousand years it seems
got to open my eyes to everything
without a thought without a voice without a soul
don't let me die here
there must be something more
bring me to life!
I don't know what being in love demands. I have felt it and realized that it's so painful, but still if you have got the feeling, you have got to share them with the one you love. She says, she trust me, she likes me, she believe me, she adore talking with me, she takes my classes - i take hers.... but why this relationship gives you a sweet taste and sometimes get rotten with general misconceptions. People admire and feel great being in love, and how they learn surviving? Is it so easy! I wonder..! No, my case demands more and more survival and outcast. Enduring the fashionable and flavorsome love and affection and being perpetual .. whats wrong in it? Apart from all this i have few words to say about my life@(ehl o vee ee)! I want to yell the deadlocks but my heart stops me! I know she's got certain limitations and family constraints.... i still have to say.. lets get to know each other as much as possible.... she too agrees. We shall go on, and will face it when time comes...! I don't believe in dreams and the world of imagining, but when i dream of our friendship, love and affection, i wish the dream come true one day in my life. So i've got to survive! Lets go ahead!
Blurring and stirring - the truth and the lies.
So I don't know what's real and what's not
Always confusing the thoughts in my head
So I can't trust myself anymore
I'm dying again
I'm going under
Drowning in you
I'm falling forever
I've got to break through!
So I don't know what's real and what's not
Always confusing the thoughts in my head
So I can't trust myself anymore
I'm dying again
I'm going under
Drowning in you
I'm falling forever
I've got to break through!
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